This post is long overdue. It has been a busy time as we prepare to move from our home of 8 years into our 31' motor home, Sadie, as interim housing while our new home in Dallas is built.
The process has been less than onerous, and we are actually enjoying it and looking forward to the adventure. On Thursday, P.O.D.S. (Personal On Demand Storage) delivered the first of two 16' boxes, into which we moved about half of our household goods. Today, the storage company came and carted it away.
Alas, they left another POD for us to fill. This time we had help from the young man whom I am mentoring and a couple of his friends. We are currently about 97% packed up, with two whole days left to complete all our tasks. Among those are cleaning up the house, a final mowing of the lawn, loading the one bed that remains for our snoozing needs and the last two chairs.
Signing for the final closing of the sale of our home is scheduled for Thursday. We have three dinner dates in the next four days. We will be living aboard Sadie beginning on Tuesday.
If you have never seen the P.O.D.S. storage system in action, click the photo for a slide show of the delivery of our first P.O.D.S. unit. The removal, of course is the same process in reverse order.
The young man in the photo is Keith, our go-to guy at P.O.D.S. Today, we were scheduled to have our first unit removed and the second one delivered. When we received an automated confirmation call, we were disappointed to learn that, instead of 9:00 AM, when our helpers were scheduled to arrive, the unit wouldn't arrive until 2:00 PM. (Bugle playing "Charge") Keith to the rescue!!
At 11:00 AM, Keith showed up and said that he had received a message that we wanted the unit earlier. He removed the first unit and returned in about 20 minutes with the second. In the meantime, I had called our helpers, and bless their hearts, they juggled their schedules to come and help. We have nothing but praise for Keith and his personal care. Well, that is not exactly true; we had a maple bar for him, too... And our loaders were a Godsend.
We are feeling quite like this whole caper will come off as planned. The only glitches in our plan so far have been 1) the weather has been atrocious, so the builder has been unable to make any progress (because the ground is too wet for a geo-tech survey), and 2) our buyer's buyers, who are eminently qualified for financing, have been told that the loan for which they qualified is under review. The reason is that, although they don't need for their home to sell in order to qualify, the banks are running scared in this economy, and they routinely double check loan papers for people who own one property and are buying a second. The result? We will get the proceeds of our sale one week later than originally planned. Domino effect, you know.
Our realtor is not worried, so we are not worried. Pogo, on the other hand, is worried.