So, I got out in the yard today and finished the gates that I had hoped to install in October. I also trimmed off the tops of the ragged fence posts and installed the fence post caps that I purchased last summer. So, the fence is, at long last nearing completion. I would have finished it today, except that the local handyman center (van Well Hardware) didn't have the gate latches in stock that I wanted.
I have a dental appointment in Salem on Monday, so I will stop at Lowe's while I am in town and pick up the latches. One more afternoon, and I can have the fence construction complete. Jill has promised to put sealer on the fence, as soon as Tom kills out the poison oak in the backyard and the weather permits.
In another development, I was able to complete the wiring of the garden shed. Well, that is, except for actually hooking it up to the power source. That will require a trench from the back of the garage to the front of the shed, which I haven't had time or weather to complete yet. Once the trench is dug, the completion of the wiring will be a snap.
So, we have been doing some projects. I also decided to buy a TV antenna and ditch the dish. The antenna is not yet installed, but the hardest part is done, i.e., pulling a coax cable from the attic into the low voltage junction box I had installed when we built the house.
Patrick wanted me to bring the antenna over to his house to see what we could pull in channel-wise. Consequently, I have not installed the antenna yet. It was very strange; we hooked up the antenna at Pat's house and were able to pick up 33 channels on one TV set, but on the big set in the living room, we were unable to get a single channel. I believe that the tuner may be to blame. More cogitation is required.
I hope to set up the antenna at home on Monday. I am scheduled for some minor surgery on Tuesday, and although the surgery is minor, I am going to be unable to to do much work for about six weeks. So, I am feeling pressure to deliver!!