Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rockin' in Rock Springs

So, we flew out to Denver to help eldest daughter move back to the Pacific Northwest. She has lived in Denver for ten years, and now she wants to  be closer to family.  To that end, she submitted her resignation from a wonderful job and asked the folks to fly out and help her move "home." (Her boss was so sad to see her go that she first offered more pay; then she offered to find Tara a husband; and finally, when those ploys didn't work, she offered to allow Tara to telecommute until she finds suitable employment in the PNW!! And you thought YOU were indispensable!)

We arrived in Denver on Thursday and  have been packing, cleaning, sorting and generally reducing 10 years of living to fit in a 16' rental van.  This morning we threw the "last minute box" into the back of the van and hit the road.

 Photos courtesy of my beautiful wife. Click photo for slide show.

Our route has taken us north on I-25 to Cheyenne, WY and then east on I-80 to Rock Springs, WY.  This little town is about the size of our hometown of Dallas, OR, but because it is located on the interstate, it has more amenities.  There are numerous hotels, and lots of churches (which, of course, we have in Dallas--once renowned for having the highest per capita number of both churches and taverns!).  There are lots of eateries and some very pleasant looking homes.  Every gas station seems to have a liquor store attached...and you thought gasoline and alcohol didn't mix!

So, here we are, comfortably ensconced in the LaQuinta Inn, chosen because they welcomed Tara's cat.  We were greeted at the front desk with fresh, warm cookies.  When we got checked into our room, we returned to the front desk area for some appetizers of crackers and cheese, provided by the establishment.  Morning promises to bring a hot breakfast, including biscuits and gravy! Gotta love LaQuinta!