Saturday, July 10, 2010

The first wall goes up...

The first wall of our new home is standing!!

I don't know if I am excitedly disappointed, or disappointedly excited. It's somewhere in that general neighborhood. We went by the house today, and the first wall is up. Woo Whoo! That part is exciting. The disappointing part is that Jill went by yesterday, while I was in Portland, and they have not made any progress. She spoke to Robert yesterday, and he was frustrated, because they needed a shipment of materials from Parr Lumber. It had not yet arrived, nor has it by today, as nearly as I can tell.

Here are some more walls yet to be erected.

So, all of that being said, I must say I am grateful to have one wall up! This whole process of pulling up stakes and moving to Dallas has gone so smoothly that I forget there will be snafus from time to time. This is one. Since the weather has been a hindrance -- first too wet, then too hot -- I guess I am feeling the time slipping away. Tomorrow is Sunday, so I don't expect anything to happen. My hope is that Monday will bring the needed materials and more temperate weather so that we can get some real progress.

A look at the 3 car garage

And of course, the piece de resistance, the RV garage/shop.

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