It took me several weeks to get started here: not because the site is difficult to use; and not because the software is cumbersome. No, the problem has been thinking of a suitable title for the blog. The final choice you will understand if you look at my profile photo and are familiar with or familiarize yourself with the term "pilgarlic." I am hopeful that I can live up to the secondary definition of the term.
We were going to take off in "Sadie," our 1988 Hawkins Motor Coach (that's Sadie in the background) for a couple of days of late season "camping." OK, I know you purists don't consider staying in a motor home to be camping. My brother, on the other hand, once defined camping as "staying in a Holiday Inn that has only black and white TV." At any rate, we decided to cancel the trip and eat the prepaid campground fee, when we read the forecast for 27" of rain and 300 mph winds during only the two days we planned to be gone. Well, actually, it was 3" and 50 mph, but in a motor home, the two scenarios are about equal.
So, we have been hanging out at home. I have been doing some pre-yule elf work, and Jill has been doing some holiday shopping. It has been a pleasant couple of days, and the forecast is for MUCH better weather starting, yep, you guessed it, tomorrow, the day we were due to return from the campground. In the meantime, we have put in a couple of intense sessions of mall walking, and played go-go Pogo with our little mutt (Pogo is in the foreground in the photo above). I'll leave it to your imagination to picture 19 pounds of bichon/fox terrier going lickety-split in a figure of eight, using the dining room table and the sofa as pylons.
My hope is to share some of my thoughts, joys, sorrows, hopes, and dreams here. Paul the Apostle said, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:29) I hope that this blog will do just that. Frequency of posts will be determined by how much useful stuff I have to do before I get around to playing on line. Come and join me from time to time.
1 comment:
This blog is such fun! I'll stay tuned for more!
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