Today, we finished the Murphy bed. I say "we" advisedly. Jill, bless her heart, helped me haul the mattress box in from the garage, even though it was VERY heavy and unwieldy. Then she helped me complete the construction of the cabinet and install it against the wall. That was yesterday.
Today, we installed the mattress support and the mattress. That is when the crisis erupted. We looked high and low, but we couldn't find the 3" memory foam mattress topper that we had planned to put on the bed. The mattress we have is pretty low quality...one of those "mattress and box spring for $99, both pieces" kind of deals. However, with the topper on it, it is quite comfy.

We finally found the topper, and then we were all set to make up the bed. That's when we discovered that we didn't know where the mattress cover was. Again we searched high and low. I guess, in the future, I should search higher and low. The mattress cover was in the same place the foam topper was: in the attic. Having no memory, I had completely forgotten that I put them both up there last fall.
Once we found the mattress cover, we made up the bed, and now it is ready for its first occupant. I hung a picture over the head of the bed for a little "down home" atmosphere.
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