So, although I haven't posted in a while, I haven't been idle. Today I finished the project in the yard where the pine tree died. Since my last post, I spaded the ground there, roto-tilled it, added three bales of peat moss and four sacks of composted steer manure. While I was about it, I capped off three of the four sprinkler heads and added a drip watering converter to the fourth one.
After I competed all of that, I decided that instead of using the whole area for a flower bed, I would plant grass and just make a flower bed along the base of the rock wall. Below are some photos of the finished project. The white flowers are a perennial version of salvia, of which I had never heard until I got to the nursery. The crimson flowers, of course, are chrysanthemums. I love them, although I have never had great success with growing them.

Before planting, I spaded some sand into the soil in the flower bed, and the soil is nice and fluffy and wonderful to work with. I have no doubt that it will become compacted over the winter, but some judicious mulching should help.
I have to give credit where credit is due. Over the weekend, I had a visit from Patrick and Katie. They helped me fetch the sod for this project, and Patrick helped me lay it in place. Being a math teacher, he was able to make several suggestions about how to get the most coverage out of the sod with the least waste. I only wish he had been with me when I was figuring how much I needed. I made an error in calculation and ended up with a two roll excess of sod.

While Pat and Katie were here, we had some fun, too. We spent Friday running errands, including a stop at the mortgage broker who is helping the kids arrange financing for the purchase of their first home. That was followed by lunch with Patrick's sister, Kat. From there, it was on to a post-operative visit regarding Pat's recent eye surgery. Finally, we picked up Gramma Jane and went out to dinner to celebrate Patrick and Katie's first anniversary, which is actually tomorrow.
After the sod project, Pat and Katie and I spent a lazy Saturday chatting, playing games and nibbling. All in all, it was a wonderful time for me. I hope they enjoyed it as much. They went home last evening to prepare for tomorrow's outing to look at some more houses. I think they are on the brink of choosing a house, and it wouldn't surprise me if it happens this week.

In the meantime, Jill is still in San Diego tending Laura, who has been on complete bed rest until yesterday. Her baby is due in three weeks, but whenever the little bundle arrives, I will hit the road to join the family for the excitement of a new baby. I have missed Jill, terribly, but I am so proud of her for taking on the job of tending Laura and Josiah, who celebrated his fourth birthday yesterday.
When it is all over, Jill and I are going to hop in the motor home and have a getaway for about a week.
1 comment:
Sounds like you have been busy! The landscape looks awesome! You will have a nice getaway when the time comes. I am sure Jill is just lovin' every minute of taking care of that grandbaby. :)
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