Yesterday, God put his avian creation on display for us in our own backyard. Between the sheer wonder of the number and variety of birds populating our backyard simultaneously and the fact that I didn't want to miss the show, I didn't go and dig out the camera, so I have borrowed some photos from the internet.
We noticed a flock of tiny yellow/olive birds that I think were goldfinches in their winter coloration. Or perhaps, they were females or juveniles:

There were some black-capped chickadees:

We also saw a western scrub jay:

As usual, we saw lots of Oregon juncos:

There were a couple of house finches:

We even saw a hummingbird, I'm not sure what kind, but it looked a bit like this:

Another frequent visitor is the rufous sided towhee:

English sparrows were in the mix:

Just behind our house, the neighbors have a fig tree which was full of starlings:

Perhaps, our favorite was the red-winged blackbird:

Finally, this morning, I looked out at the bird feeder and saw a dove:

So, I ask you, "Why go to a lot of expense and trouble to do your birdwatching?" Just come on over and enjoy the show. We'll put on a pot of coffee for you!
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