Sometimes we don't know which of our skills will be called upon on any given day. Today, it was my turn to "build a volcano, Grandpa."
When the request came from Josiah, I was ready to dismiss it. But one of the rules grampa-ing is that you can't disappoint your grandkids.
Josiah, had concocted a brew of carbonated water and salt, which he planned to have come out of the volcano, once Grandpa had built it. But I was not convinced that would be very satisfying, as volcanic eruptions go. Nevertheless, Josiah's idea stirred up an old memory of Chemistry 101.
Now that I had a plan for the eruption mechanics, all I needed was a volcano. A little printer paper and some aluminum foil rolled into a cone made a good mountain. Now for the magma chamber. Finding a discarded drinking water bottle, I thought, "Aha!" But then I decided the bottle was too tall. I cut it into a top and a bottom and discarded the middle. Then I taped the top and bottom together and mounted the little bottle in the mouth of the volcano. Now for the trial run.
I scoured the house looking for lava, to no avail. So, I made a quick run across the street to Quick and Easy and came back with $1.88 worth of "chemicals." I took Josiah and the volcano outside. I had secretly put some baking soda in the heart of the volcano. Then I poured a little vinegar down the vent hole, and to Josiah's ultimate satisfaction, the volcano "erupted."
I told Josiah that, of course, God makes the best volcanoes. Nevertheless, he was pretty happy with Mt. Grandpa!