Judah promptly went down for a long nap, so grandma and Josiah built a fort out of chairs and sheets. They had a lot of fun playing in there, until it just got too hot for grandma. Josiah continued to play in the fort, using grandma's computer for entertainment, as he watched an episode of Spiderman.
Finally, Judah got up from his long nap. He was hungry, so we fed him what anyone would feed a two year old: salmon salad on crackers with sharp cheddar cheese! (Well, isn't that what you would have fed him??)
Next the boys wanted to go out into the yard. It was a hot day (for San Diego; official NOAA temperature 80 degrees) so they wanted to play with water. Grandma turned on two hoses a trickle and gave each boy a big plastic bowl. They had more fun filling the bowls and pouring them over themselves and each other.
Laura and Tim arrived home about five and brought wonderful things from Costco. Tim went to work in the kitchen and on the patio, and soon we were dining on grilled veggie-kabobs and basil-stuffed Rainbow Trout! Yum!! Laura whipped up some seasoned cous-cous, which was a perfect accompaniment for this splendid repast.
During and after dinner we watched "Tangled," which is an animated version of Rapunzel and was quite entertaining. All and all, I would say it was a perfect day!
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