First the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) shot down Arizona's immigration laws by eviscerating them. Then the President, by executive order, said that what SCOTUS left of the law is not to be enforced, or the police of Arizona will be held criminally liable. Furthermore, FBI and Homeland Security are not to take calls from Arizona law officers who are trying to do their duty.
That means that, essentially, the US government told Arizona, "You are not a sovereign state. You have no right to defend yourselves against the onslaught of thousands of people pouring across your border, intent on stealing your jobs, your land and your livelihood." Done. There are no longer any sovereign states to be united. There is just a malevolent dictator and his henchmen, who will now rule with an iron fist from Washington, D. C.
Now, today, SCOTUS has upheld the abomination called, ironically, the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as "Obamacare." The outcome of that decision will be less healthcare at a higher price. In addition, the taxes contained in this massive Federal Government power grab will surely sink the ship of state. Between the outrageous debt run up by this administration ($5 trillion and counting) and the onerous burden of Obamacare tax increases, there is no way the U.S. economy can recover. We are in for an economic depression that will make the one in the 1930s look like a bad day at the Blackjack table.
Add to those effects the fact that Obamacare doesn't recognize the right of a physician or pharmacist, whose conscience tells him that the taking of a human life through abortion is a crime against humanity, nor does it recognize the right of millions of Citizens, whose consciences and religious beliefs tell them that abortion and birth control are not the business of man but of God to opt out of the culture of death. The result is that the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights has been eliminated. The other nine will fall like dominoes.
As the result of the decisions SCOTUS has handed down in the past week, the noble experiment in freedom and personal and economic liberty that was these United States of America is dead. There can be no economic liberty, when the government can tell us we must spend our money on specific goods or services. There can be no personal liberty, when the government can tell us what we must believe. There can be no freedom, where there is no economic and personal liberty.
Who is responsible for the death of The United States of America? Is it the nine people who comprise SCOTUS? Is it the President? Is it the Congress? No, it is you and I. Because we have elected fools to powerful offices; because we have seen the Federal Government not as a body with limited power, designed to take on those few tasks that the sovereign states could not (national defense, disputes among the states) but rather as a sugar daddy, who should provide us with all the things we don't want to pay for; because we have allowed control of our schools to be removed from the local school district to ever more remote places (state and federal government bureaucrats); because we have failed to demand that our children be taught truth, instead of the fairy tales that the government has fed them in preparation for the very demise of the nation that we have been treated to this week; because we have placed self-esteem ahead of self-sufficiency, political correctness ahead of reason, the "wisdom" of man ahead of the wisdom of God, the responsibility for this death belongs to you and me.
I suppose that this post is a little like closing the barn door after the horse is gone, but I believe that reasonable people can reverse these mortal wounds to our nation. The iron curtain fell, because people of courage stood up to the dictators in the Soviet Bloc. Let us not wait 70 years to stand up and say, "No, we will not cede our freedom to tyrants." It is not too late to revive our beloved country, if we will pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor, as the Founding Fathers did in the first American Revolution. For the sake of America; for the sake of your children; for the sake of your grandchildren, stand up and be counted in the new American Revolutionary Army.
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