Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's all good...

We had a lovely morning worship service today. Our pastoral staff has been taking us through a series of sermons on financial management over the past five Sundays. It is scriptural and has been quite good. Most of the information is not new to me, and Jill and I have managed to keep our finances under control and arrive at a zero debt status...just in time for the economic meltdown that we are currently experiencing. Still, it is good to see the scriptural basis for being good stewards, and we have been moved to work on our budget to see how much more we can give to others.

The weather today is nothing like yesterday. Currently, the rain is drumming on the roof, and I am contemplating turning on the gas fireplace for both the warmth and the cheer that it adds to this room, which is a bit dreary at the moment. Jill and I got out in the backyard yesterday and raked leaves, pruned bushes, pulled weeds and generally cleaned up the yard. As usual we got carried away, and when the day was done, we had filled five 30 gallon yard debris bags! The yard looks so much better! It is almost as if someone lives here.

I was just informed by my darling bride that there is popcorn in my future this afternoon. That is our usual Sunday treat, but I am always so grateful when I get it, because Jill makes perfect popcorn, whereas mine is usually tough, burned or both! So, hooray for Sunday afternoon, and thank you, Lord, for my beautiful wife!

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