Sunday, July 11, 2010

Waste not, want not...

The shepherd's crook that was too wimpy for the hanging baskets turned out to be just right for a couple of bird feeders. We picked up a hummingbird feeder and a song bird feeder. Now the patio feels like a backyard.

It will be interesting to see if we get any birds, given the density of the population here and the number of wandering cats in the neighborhood! Perhaps, if we leave Pogo tethered outside, she will scare away the cats, and the birds will thrive... maybe not...

Incidentally, the plant I hadn't identified in the hanging basket turns out to be scaevola, also known as Fan Flower.

Scaevola "Blue Wonder"

It is native to Australia and the south sea islands and Hawaii. The interesting thing about it is that the flowers are semi-circular, as if someone had cut the blossoms in half, hence the name Fan Flower.

Notice the "half" flowers.

The legend goes that a young maiden was jilted by her lover, so she cut the flower in half. He was then doomed to wander the earth until he could find a whole flower.

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