Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And so it continued both day and night...

The cold weather continues. I nearly bought it on the road today, when my car slid on through the stop sign and into the path of an oncoming minivan, which, when viewed from my Nissan Versa looked like a maxi-van, or perhaps a Mack truck! Fortunately, the other driver was better prepared than I and had tire chains. He was able to make a course change that saved the day...and my fender.

It is expected to snow another couple of inches tomorrow morning. Then things may really get ugly. The forecast is for temperatures to rise above freezing in the afternoon, bringing rain on top of the snow. Then the temps will dip into the twenties and freeze the whole mess into a Christmas glaze. When that is nicely brewed, we will get more snow on Thursday...ouch!

Today the sky was cloudless and that medium blue that can only be seen in a clear winter sky. It is somehow bluer than a blue sky in summer, perhaps because the sun is lower in the sky and doesn't light the northern sky as much. It was simply gorgeous. I was able to get out and finish the Christmas shopping, have my hearing aids adjusted, go to church to do some counseling with my darling wife, stop on the way home and pick up her new glasses, and fill the car with gas.

We laid in a supply of groceries on Friday, so we have food, which is good, because it is doubtful we will be able to navigate the streets for the next several days. So, we plan to hunker down, catch up on our Christmas movies, do a couple of projects around the house, and generally take advantage of being retired people who don't have to worry about adding to the traffic woes by driving to jobs. We thank God for that.

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